ROSI laureate of the Social Innovation Tournament by EIB Institute

On Thursday 29 September, ROSI received an SIT award from the European Investment Bank Institute...

September 30, 2022

On Thursday 29 September, ROSI received an SIT award from the European Investment Bank Institute.

The Social Innovation Tournament (SIT) recognises and supports the best European social entrepreneurs. It promotes innovative ideas and rewards initiatives that contribute to creating social, ethical and/or environmental impact.

ROSI received the 1st prize in the Special category – blue and green economy. This distinction recognises our work to develop a more sustainable photovoltaic industry while choosing industrial processes that best preserve the human health and the environment.

A special thank to Hsin-Hsin Fan, who pitched for ROSI and explained very clearly what we stand for.

The reward of 75,000€ will be used to support the development of the skill of our young employees. Cheers to them who makes us who we are!

Click below to watch the pitch.


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