The Dauphiné Libéré newspaper reports on the installation of ROSI in Matheysine

Matthieu Estrangin, in charge of business news at Le Dauphiné libéré, a leading daily newspaper in the Auvergne-Rhône-Alpes region, reported on...

December 27, 2021

Matthieu Estrangin, in charge of business news at Le Dauphiné libéré, a leading daily newspaper in the Auvergne-Rhône-Alpes region, reported on the signing by ROSI of the lease for the future photovoltaic panel recycling plant.

The first recycling plant will be located in Saint-Honoré, 40 km from Grenoble. ROSI will rent a building owned by the Communauté de Commune de la Matheysine, which has fully supported the start-up company in its implementation.

Once open, this recycling plant will be the first in the world to recycle silicon and metals from solar cells. In the initial phase, it will be able to recycle 100,000 panels per year.


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